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Plickers 答题卡下载(搬运)

已有 511 次阅读2018-8-31 14:44 |个人分类:信息技术|系统分类:教育技术| 信息技术, 教育技术, Plickers, 教学评价, 下载

既然搬运了 Plickers 的安装包,干脆也搬运一下二维码答题卡吧。 答题卡推荐使用63个数字的版本。 下载地址: 全版本打包下载: 各版本说明(英文):
Plickers Set # of cards Cards per sheet Font size Ideal for...
Standard 40 2 normal Most classrooms of average size
Expanded 63 2 normal Large student groups in a standard classroom setting
Large Font 40 2 large Younger students or anyone who may have trouble reading the letter answers
Large Cards 40 1 normal Deeper or especially large classrooms or auditoriums Note: Larger cards may block other students' cards
Large Cards Expanded 63 1 normal Large student groups in especially large, non-standard classrooms Note: Larger cards may block other students' cards

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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