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已有 1736 次阅读2006-11-27 12:16 |个人分类:疑难知识


  东非大裂谷的英文名称叫做the Great Rift Valley,其中rift valley就是地堑的意思。其实以前就知道东非大裂谷的英文名称叫the Great Rift Valley,当时就在想为什么要加一个rift呢?用the Great Valley不就得了吗?现在看来加上一个rift是另有意思的。


  The subsidence of rock resulting from two or more parallel rocks moving apart is known as a graben. When this happens on a large scale, with tectonic plates moving apart, a rift valley is created.
  Volcanic valley formed 10–20 million years ago owing to rifting (major subsidence through faulting) of part of the Earth\'s crust, and running about 8,000 km/5,000 mi from the Jordan Valley through the Red Sea to central Mozambique in southeast Africa. For most of its length the Rift Valley has a width of some 60 km/35 mi and, in highland areas especially, is bounded by inward-facing escarpments with a height which often reaches 500–1,000 m/1,500–3,000 ft. It is marked by a series of lakes, including Lake Turkana(图尔卡纳), and volcanoes, such as Mount Kilimanjaro(乞力马扎罗山). The rift system associated with the Rift Valley extends into northern Botswana, with geological faults controlling the location of the Okavango Delta(奥卡万戈三角洲).

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flicker 彩虹炫 | flicker 匿名卡 | 驼鸟妮儿 2007-9-22 19:46

以下为锦江渔夫的回复:   我的理解,断层构造带应该是断层的上升块与下沉块在地表的接触带,在此接触带由于岩石破碎,易被侵蚀形成沟谷。不过现在想来在断层构造带(如果断层构造带的定义如我所理解的话)形成的沟谷宽度应该是很有限的。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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