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热度 1已有 875 次阅读2006-12-14 23:20 |个人分类:教学参考


据记载, 1861年,乞拉朋齐的降水量曾达到20,447毫米,被称为世界的“雨极”或“湿极”。时隔99年以后,就是1960年8月--1961年7月,乞拉朋齐再一次以26,461.2mm的成绩,打破了它自己的记录,蝉联了世界"雨极"的荣誉!据35年的统计,乞拉朋齐年均降水量为11,430毫米


乞拉朋齐位于印度东北部梅加拉亚邦(Meghalaya),坐落在布拉马普特拉河(the Brahmaputra)南侧东西走向的卡西山地(the Khasi Hills)南坡的一袋形山坳中,海拔1,313米。纬度为北纬25.3 度, 经度为东经91.7 度。乞拉朋齐人口约6000多。居民多为卡西族,属母系社会


乞拉朋齐离孟加拉湾(the Bay of Bengal)约300公里,其间是一个地势较为低下的陆地,雨季时这里因河水溃决,实际上已变为一片湖泽。由于洪水较暖,西南气流在到达乞拉朋齐之前,先吹拂于积水低地之上,因之水汽又有所增加,这是造成乞拉朋齐降水量大的又一个原因。



Cherrapunji is a town in Meghalaya, India which is credited as being one of the world\'s wettest places. It holds two Guinness world records: *For receiving the maximum amount of rainfall in a single year: 22,987 mm (904.9,973 inches) of rainfall between August 1860 and July 1861 *For receiving the maximum amount of rainfall in a single month: 9299.96 mm (366.14 in) in July 1861.

Cherrapunji\'s yearly rainfall average stands at 11,430 mm (450 in). This figure places it behind only nearby Mawsynram, Meghalaya, whose average is 11,873 mm (467 in), and Mount Waialeale on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, whose average is 11,684 mm (460 in). Cherrapunji receives both the Southwest and Northeast monsoon showers which give it a single monsoon season. Cherrapunji lies at an elevation of 1,370 m (4,500 feet) in the Khasi Hills. It lies in the windward side of these hills to the Bay of Bengal branch of the SW monsoons which enters India through the Ganga delta. Due to orographic rainfall, the rain-bearing clouds are forced to deposit much of their moisture and rain on these hills from June to September. In the winter months it receives the northeast monsoon showers which travel down the Brahmaputra valley. The original name for this town was Sohra, pronounced as "Churra" by the British before morphing into the present one.

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回复 qlzhu2003 2006-12-15 13:16
回复 xiaxinqing 2006-12-15 13:19
回复 yanjuhui 2010-4-15 20:32

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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