地方、空间与生存 出版时间:2012-8出版社:中国社会科学出版社作者:宋秀葵页数:226字数:235000 file:///C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps423C.tmp.jpg 源自博士论文 段义孚人文主义地理学生态文化思想研究 file:///C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps424C.tmp.jpg 附录 ①主要选自段义孚网页htp://www.yifutuan.org/ 段义孚简介 出生时间及地点:1930年5月出生于中国天津 国籍:美国 受教育情况: 1938年始:在中国、澳大利亚、菲律宾就读小学、中学1947年:毕业于伦敦大学学院(University College London) 1951年:在牛津大学取得学士学位 1955年:在牛津大学取得硕士学位(University of 0xford)1957年:在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校取得博士学位(University of California-Berkeley) 1985年:获加拿大滑铁卢大学环境学荣誉博士学位(Doctor of Environmental Studies-honoris causa,University of Waterloo,Canada) 2002年获加拿大圭尔夫大学理学荣誉博士学位(Doctor of Science-honoris causa,University of Guelph,Canada) 从教经历: 1956年-1958年:印第安纳的大学(Indiana University) 1959年-1965年:新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico) 1966年-1968年:多伦多大学(University of Toronto) 1968年-1983年:地理学和东亚研究教授(Professor of Geography and East Asian Studies) 1980年-1983年:美国研究客座教授(Adjunct Professor of American Studies) 1983年-1998年:威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校地理学教授(Professor of Geography,University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1985年-1998年:维拉斯研究教授(Vilas Research Profess) 1985年-1998年:约翰柯特兰赖特教授(John Kirtland Wright Professor) 1998年一:威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校荣誉教授 主要荣誉: 1968年-1969年获美国古根海姆基金奖(John Simon Guggenheim Fellow) 1973年获美国地理学家协会授予的地理学贡献奖(Award for Meritorious Contribution to Geography,Association of American Geographers) 1985年:获地理教育全国委员会授予的地理杂志奖(Journal of Geography Award,National Council for Geographic Education) 1986年当选为美国国家科学院院士(Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) 1987年获美国地理学会授予的卡勒姆地理学勋章(Cullum Geographical Medal,American Geographical Society) 1992年由威斯康星州学生会当选为“最佳教授”(“Best Professor,”elected by Wisconsin Student Association” 1994年/因著作Passing Strange and Wonderful获得美国威斯康星州图书馆协会授予的杰出成就奖(Outstanding Achievement Award,Wisconsin Library Association,for Passing Strange and Wonderful) 1994年获美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校跨联谊会理事会授予的优秀教学奖(Professor Appreciation Award for Excellence in Teaching,Inter-Fraternity Council,University of Wisconsin-Madison) 1995年获美国威斯康星州图书馆协会文学奖委员会授予的1995年度威斯康星州著名作家称号(Noted Wisconsin Author for 1995,Literary Awards Committee of the Wisconsin Library Association.) 2000年获罗文和利特尔作者桂冠奖(Rowan and Littlefield Author Laureate Award) 2000年获国际地理联合会勋章(Laureat d'Honneur,International Geographical Union) 2001年成为英国皇家科学院院士(Fellow of the British Academy) 2002年成为美国艺术与科学院院士(Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences) 2002年-2003年菲贝卡/厄普代克纪念学者(Phi Beta Kappa/Frank M.Updike Memorial Scholar) 讲座: 1975年在澳大利亚国立大学做客“莫里森讲坛”(Morrison Lecture,Australia National University) 1976年在瓦瑟学院做客“马修·瓦瑟讲坛“(Matthew Vassar Lecture,Vassar College) 1980年在伦敦大学做客“特殊大学讲坛”(Special University Lecture,University of London) 1982年在路易斯安那州立大学做客“罗素纪念讲坛”(R.J.Russell Memorial Lecture,Louisiana State University) 1983年在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华阿尔坎做客“建筑讲坛”(Alcan Lecture on Architecture,Vancouver,British Columbia) 1985年在加拿大卡尔顿大学做客“麦克马丁纪念讲坛”(McMartin Memorial Lecture at Carleton University,Canada) 1988年在国立台湾大学做研究报告(Research Lectures,National Taiwan University) 1992年在麦克马斯特大学做客“胡克讲坛”(Hooker Lecture,McMaster University) 1994年在加拿大维多利亚大学做客“兰斯讲坛”(Landsdowne Lecture,University of Victoria,Canada) 1996年在加州大学伯克利分校做客“卡尔·苏尔纪念讲坛”(Carl0. Sauer Memorial Lecture,University of California,Berkeley) 1997年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校做客“亚历山大·冯·洪堡讲坛” (Alexander von Humboldt Lecture,University of California,Los Angeles) 1998年在美国学术团理事会上做客“查尔斯·荷马·哈斯金斯讲坛” (Charles Homer Haskins Lecture,American Council of Learned Societies) 2002年在美国明尼苏达大学做客“拉尔夫·布朗讲坛”(Ralph Brown Lecture,University of Minnesota) 2003年在普林斯顿大学做客“爱德华·法纳姆讲坛”(J.Edward Farnum Lecture,Princeton University) 学术团体成员: 1.美国学术团体理事会美国地理学家协会代表(Delegate of Association of American Geographers to the American Council of Learned Societies) 2.美国地理学家协会全国委员(National Councilor of the Association of American Geographers) 3.富布赖特奖学金委员会委员(华盛顿特区)(Fulbright Scholarship Comnittee,Washington,DC) 顾问: 1.皇后艺术会咨询委员会(纽约)顾问(Advisory Board of the Queens Council on the Arts,New York) 2.温纳·格伦人类学基金会(纽约)顾问(Wenner-Gren Foundation of Anthropology,New York) 3.鲍尔奇学院民族研究所(费城)顾问(Balch Institute of Ethnic Studies,Philadelphia) 4.地理标准项目(华盛顿特区)顾问(Geography Standards Pro ject,Washington,DC) 专著 1.Pediments in Southeastern drizona,California:University of California Publications in Geography,1959,Vol.13. 2.The Hydrological Cycle and the Wisdom of God.University of Toronto Department of Geography Research Publications,No.1,1968. 3.The Climate of New Mexico,(with Cyril Everard and J.G.Widdison).Santa Fe:State Planning Office,1969. 4.China.London  ongman's ,Chicago:Aldine,1970.5.Topophilia:A Study of Environmental Perception,Attitudes,and Values,London:Prentice-Hall,1974. 6.Space and Place:The Perspectives of Erperience,Minneapolis,University of Minnesota Press,1977,and London:Edward Armold's 1977.(paperback edition,University of Minnesota Press,1979). 7.Landscapes of Fear ,New York antheon,1970 and Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1980.8. Segmented Worlds and Self Group Life and Individual Consciousness, Minneapolis: University of Minmesota Press,1982. 9. Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984. 10. The Good Life, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,1986. 11. Morality and Imagination: Paradoxes of Progress, Madison; University of Wisconsin Press,1989. 12. Passing Srange and Wonderful: Aesthetics, Nature, Culure, Washington, DC: Island Press,1993. 13. Passing Strange and Wonderful, New York: Kodansha Press,1995. 14. Cosmos and Hearth:A Cosmopolite's Viewpoint, Minneapolis: University of of Wisconsin Press,1999. 17.Dear Colleague:Common and Uncommon Observations,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2002. 18.Place,Art,and Self,Center for American Places,University of Virginia Press, 2004. 19.Coming Home to China,Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,2007. 20.Human Goodness,Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,2008. 21.Religion:From Place to Placelessness,Chicago:the Center for American Places, 2009. 书之章节 1.“Aitudes toward Environment:Themes and Approaches,”in David Lowenthal,ed.,Environmental Perception and Behavior,University of Chicago,Department of Geography Research Serics No.109,1967,4-17. 2."A Preface to Chinese Cities,”in R.P.Beckinsale and J.M.Houston,eds.,Urbanization and Its Problems,Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1968,chapter 9,218-253. 3.“Perceiving and Structuring the World:Three Standpoints,”in D.A.Lanegran and Risa Palm,eds,Inmvitation to Geography,McGraw-Hill,1973. 4."Visual Blight: Exercises in Interpretation,"in Pierce Lewis, ed., Visual Blight, Resource Paper No.23, Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers, 1973,23-27. 5."Space and Place: Humanistic Perspective,"in C. Board,R.J. Chorley,P. Haggett, and D.R. Stoddart, eds., Progress in Geography,1974, Vol.6,211-252. 6."Environment and the Quality of Life,"in G. Macinko,K. Hammond, and W. Fairchild, eds., Sourcebook on the Environment, Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers,1975, Vol.1,25-61(mimeographed). 7."Geopiety:A Theme in Man's Attachment to Nature and to Place,"in D. Lowenthal and Martyn Bowden, eds., Geographies ofthe Mind, New York: Oxford University Press,1976,11-39. 8."Experience and Appreciation: The Child's Attitude to Environment,"in David Linton, ed., Children, Nature, and the Urban Environment, Washington, DC: U.S.D.A. Proceedings,1977. 9."Nature Imitates Art:A Theme in Experiential Geography,"in Donald R. Deskins, Jr., et al., eds., Geographic Humanism, Analysis and Social Action, Michigan Geographical Publication No.17,1977,27-46. 10."Sacred Space: Exploration of an Idea,"in Karl W. Butzer, ed., Dimensions of Human Geography, University of Chicago Department of Geography Research Paper 186,1978,84-99. 11."American Cities: Symbolism, Imagery, and Perception,"in L.S. Bourne and J.W.Simmons, eds., Systems of Cities, New York: Oxford University Press,1978.Reprinted from Topophilia, Chapter 13. 12."Environment and the Quality of Life,"in Kenneth A. Hammond, GeorgeMacinko, and Wilma B. Fairchild, Sourcebook on the Environment, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1978,21-40. 13."Literature and Geography: Implications for Geographical Research,"in David Ley and Marwyn Samuels, eds., Humanistic Geography: Prospecks and Problems, Chicago: Maaroufa Press,1978,194-206. 14."Children and the Natural Environment,"in Irwin Altman and Joachim F. Wohwill, eds., Children and the Emvironment, New York: Plenum Press,1978, Vol.3,5-32. 15. "Space, Time, Place:A Humanistic Perspective,"in Tommy Carlstein, DonParkes, and Nigel Thirft, eds., Timing Space and Spacing Time,1978, Vol.1(Making Sense of Time),7-16. 16."Thought and Landscape: The Eye and the Mind's Eye,"in D.W. Meinig, ed., The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes, New York: Oxford University Press,1979,89-102. 17. Reprint of "American Space, Chinese Place,"(Harper's July 1974) in Morton A.Miller, ed, Reading and Writing Short Essays, New York: Random House,1980, 309-312; and in Gregory Cowan and Elizabeth Cowan, Writing (New York: John Wiley and Sons,1980),293-294. 18."In Place, Out of Place,"in Mils Richardson, ed., Geoscience and Man,1984, Vol.24,3-10. 19."Immigrant Atrtists:A Conceptual Framework,"in Contemporary Immigrant Artists: The American Experience, Balch Institute of Ethnic Studies, Philadelphia,1985,23-25. 20."Social Science as Moral Inquiry,"in Kenneth Westhues, ed., Basic Principles for Social Science in Our Time, Waterloo: University of St. Jerome's College Press,1987,92-103. 21."On the Rewarding Human Life,"in J. Norwine and A. Gonzales, eds., The Third World: States of Mind and Being, Boston: Unwin Hyman,1988,9-14. 22."Traditional: What Does It Mean?"in Jean-Paul Bourdier and Nezar Alsayyad, eds., Dwellings Settlements and Tradition, Lanham, MD: University Press of America,1989,27-34. 23."Environment, Behaviour, and Thought,"in Frederick W. Boal and David N. Livingstone, The Behavioural Environment: Essays in Reflection, Application, and Re-evaluation, London and New York: Routledge,1989,77-81. 24."Space and Context,"in Richard Schechner and Willa Appel, eds., By Means of Performance: Intercultural Studies of Theatre and Riual, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1990,236-244. 25."  aradoxical Images of the American West,"in Ellen M. Murphy and Jeane M.Knapp, Kaleidoscope of History, American Geographical Society Collection Special Publication, No.1,1990,104-106. 26. New Preface to Topophilia:A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and alues, New York: Columbia University Press,1990. 27.(Foreword) to Derham Groves, Feng-shui and Western Building Ceremonies 1991, 1-2. 28."Community and Place:A Skeptical View,"in S.T. Wong, ed., Person, Place and Thing, in Geoscience and Man,1992, Vol.31,47-59. 29."  lace and Culture: Analeptic for Individuality and the World's Indifference,"in Wayne Franklin and Michael Steiner, eds., Mapping American Culure, lowa City: University of lowa Press,1992,27-49. 30.(Foreword) to Anne Buttimer's Geography and the Human Spirit, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,1993, ix-xi. 31."Desert and Ice: Ambivalent Aesthetics,"in Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell, eds., Landscape, Naural Beauty and the Arts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1993,139-157. 32."Space and Place: Humanistic Perspective,"(reprint) in John Agnew, David Livingstone, and Alisdair Rogers, Human Geography: An Essential Anthology, Oxford: Blackwell,1996,445-457. 33."Home and World, Cosmopolitanism and Ethnicity: Key Concepts in Contemporary Human Geography,"in lan Douglas, Richard Huggett, and MikeRobinson, eds., Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humantind, London and New York: Routledge,1996,939-951. 34."Wisconsin: Place, Time, Model,"in Robert Ostergren and Thomas Vale, eds., Wisconsin Land and Life, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,1997,531-544. 35."Disneyland: It's Place in World Culture,"with Steven Hoelscher in Karal Ann Marling ed., Designing Disney's Theme Parks: The Architecture of Reassurance, Paris: Flammarion,1997,191-198. 36."Geography and Evil:A Sketch,"in James D. Proctor and David M. Smith, eds.,Geography and Ethics: Journeys in Moral Terrain, Routledge,1999,106-119. 37."Maps and Art: Identity and Utopia,"in Robert Silberman, World Views and Art, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,2000,11-24. 38."ALife of Learning,"(reprint of Haskins lecture) in Peter Gould and Forrest R. Pits, eds., Geagraphical Voices, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press,2002, 323-340. 39."  rogress and Anxiety,"in Robert D. Sack, ed., Progress: Geographical Essays, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,2002. 40."Cosmos versus Hearth,"in Paul Adams, Steven Hoelscher, and Karen Till, Texures of Place: Exploring Humanistic Geographies, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,2001,319-325. 41.(Foreword) in Kenneth R. Olwig, Landscape, Nature, and the Body Politic: From Britain's Renaissance to America's New World, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,2002, xi-xx. 42."Reflections,”in Zane Williams,Double Take:A Rephotographic Survey of Madison,Wisconsin,Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,2002,223-237. 43."Home,”in Stephen Harrison,Steve Pile,and Nigel Thrift,eds.,Patterned Ground:Entanglemenks of Nature and Culure,London:Reaktion Books,2004,164-165. 期刊论文 1. “Topophilia r,Sudden Encounter with the Landscape,”Landscape,Fall,1961,Vol.11,29-32.Reprinted in Paul English and Robert Mayfield,Eds.,Man,Space,and Environment,New York:Oxford University Press,1972,534-538.2."Use of Simile and Metaphor in Geographical Description,”Professional Geagrapher,1957,Vol.9,8-11. 3.“Types of Pediment in Arizona,”Yearbook of Pacific Coast Geographers,1954,Vol.16,17-24. 4."Structure,Climate,and Basin Land Forms in Arizona and New Mexico,”Annals ofthe Alssociation of American Geographers,March,1962,Vol.52,51-68. 5."A Coastal Reconnaissance of Central Panama,"The Caljfornia Geographer, Kesseli Festschrift,1962, Vol.3,77-96. 6."Denudation Chronology:A Comment,"  rofessional Geographer, July,1963, Vol.15,41-42. 7."Latitude and Alfred Russel Wallace,"Journal of Geography, September,1963, Vol.62,258-261. 8."Architecture and Human Nature,"Landscape, Fall,1963, Vol.13,16-19. 9."The Desert and the Sea:A Humanistic Interpretation,"New Mexico Quarterly, Autumn,1963,329-331. 10."Mountains, Ruins, and the Sentiment of Melancholy,"Landscape, Fall,1964, Vol.14,27-30. 11.(with Cyril Everard)"New Mexico's Climate: The Appreciation of a Resource," Natural Resources Journal, October,1964, Vol.4,268-308. 12. "Climate of New Mexico,"in Summary of Reports on New Mexico's Natural Resources, State Planning Office, Santa Fe,1965. 13."Architecture and the Computer,"Landscape, Winter,1965, Vol.14,12-14. 14."Environment' and"World',"  rofessional Geographer, September,1965, Vol. 17,6-8. 15."Man and Nature: An Eclectic Reading,"Landscape,1966, Vol.15,30-36. 16."New Mexico's Gullies: Critical Re-examination and New Observations,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers, December,1966, Vol.56,573-597. 17."Discrepancies between Environmental Atitude and Behavior: Examples from Europe and China,"The Canadian Geographer, December,1968, Vol.12, 176-191. Reprinted in Paul English and Robert Mayfield, eds., Man, Space, and Environment, Maaroufa Press,1974,41-61; David and Eileen Spring, eds., Ecology and Religion in History, Harper Torchbook,1974,91-113. 18."Lewis Mumford and the Quality of Life,"Geographical Review, October,1968, Vol.58,570-573. 19."Our Treatment of Environment in Ideal and Actuality,"American Scientist, May-June,1970, Vol.58,244-249. Reprinted in Robert M. Chute, Environmental Insight, Harper and Row,1971,27-34; John N. Day,F.F. Fost and P. Rose, Dimensions ofthe Environmental Crisis, John Wiley,1971,36-46. 20."Environmental Attitudes,"Science Studies,1971, Vol.1, No.2,215-224. 21."Geography, Phenomenology and the Study of Human Nature,"The Canadian Geographer, Fall,1971, Vol.15,181-192. 22."Environmental Psychology:A Review,"Geographical Review,1972, Vol.62, No.2,245-256. 23."Structuralism, Existentialism, and Environmental Perception,"Environment and Behavior, September,1972, Vol.4,319-331. 24."Ambiguity in Attitudes Toward Environment,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1973, Vol.63, No.4,411-423. 25."  lace: An Experimental Perspective,"Geographical Review,1975, Vol.65, No.2,151-165. 26."Images and Mental Maps,"Annals ofthe Association of American Geographers, 1975, Vol.65, No.2,205-213. 27."Humanistic Geography,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 1976, Vol.66, No.2,266-276. 28."Reflections of Humanistic Geography,"Journal of Architectural Education, 1976, Vol.30, No.1,3-5. 29."The City: Its Distance from Nature,"Geographical Review,1978, Vol.68, No. 1,1-12. 30."The City: Its Distance from Nature,"Reprint,(Geographical Review,1978) in Ekistics,1979, Vol.46, No.278,313-319. 31."Landscape's Affective Domain: Raw Emotion to Intellectual Delight,"Landscape Architecture, March,1978,132-134. 32."Sign and Metaphor,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1978,Vol.68, No.3,363-372. 33."Sight and Pictures,"The Geographical Review,1979, Vol.69, No.4,413-422. 34."Rootedness versus Sense of Place,"Landscape,1980, Vol.24, No.1,3-8. 35."The Significance of the Artifact,"Geographical Review,1980, Vol.70, No.4, 462-472. 36."Materials and People,"New Jersey Foltlore, Spring,1981, Vol.2, No.3, 17-21. 37."Landscape as Text,"The Paradigm Exchange, CLA, University of Minnesota,1982,1-9. 38."Geographical Theory: Queries from a Cultural Geographer,"Geagraphical Analysis,1983, Vol.15, No.1,69-72. 39."Orientation: An Approach to Human Geography,"Journal of Geography, January-February,1983, Vol.82, No.1,11-14. 40."Literature and Geographies,"Millhweed Chronicle:A Journal of Poetry and Graphics,1983,7. 41."Literature and Geographies,"Federation Reports: The Journal of the State Humanities Councils,1983, Vol.6, No.3,26-27. 42."Architecture and Morality,"San Francisco Bay Architect's Review, Spring,1983,18-19. 43."Dance, Waters, Dance,"The Sciences,1983, Vol.23, No.5,69-70. 44."Moral Ambiguity in Architecture,"Landscape,1983, Vol.27, No.3,11-17. 45."Literature and Geographical ldeas,"Bulletin, Wisconsin Council for Geographic Education, Spring,1984,7-12. 46."Continuity and Discontinuity,"Geographical Review,1984, Vol.74, No.3,245-256. 47."The Landscapes of Sherlock Holmes,"Journal of Geography,1985, Vol.84, No.2,56-60.(Received the Jourmal of Geography Award for best paper in1984-1985.) 48."  hotography, Life, and States of Being,"New Order/No Order, Society for Photographic Education,1986,13-16. 49."Strangers and Strangeness,"Geographical Review,1986, Vol.78, No.1,10-19. 50."The Landscapes of Sherlock Holmes,"Reprint, Baker Sreet Miscellanea, Spring,1986, No.45,1-10. 51."The View from Wisconsin,"Update, University of Minnesota,1986, Vol.13, No.8,2-3. 52."Attention: Moral-Cognitive Geography,"Journal of Geography,1987, Vol.86, No.1,11-13. 53."Cultural Forms and Norms: Informal Reformulations,"The Paradigm Ecchange IⅡ, Center for Humanistic Studies, University of Minnesota,1987,48-51. 54."Secret Glimpses,"TDR: The Drama Review,1988, Vol.32, No.1,8-9. 55."The City as a Moral Universe,"Geographical Review,1988, Vol.78, No.3,316-324. 56."Surface Phenomena and Aesthetic Experience,"in Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1989, Vol.79, No.2,233-241. 57."Strangers and Strangeness,"Whole Earth Review, Spring,1988, No.58,18-23. (Reprint of article first published in Geographical Review,1986.) 58."Cultural Pluralism and Technology,"Geographical Review,1989, Vol.79, No. 3,269-279. 59."A Sense of Place,"Wisconsin Humanities Committee,1989,1-13. 60."Good Life and Old Age,"LandS Magazine, University of Wisconsin,1989, Vol.7, No.1,3-4. 61."Realism and Fantasy in Art, History, and Geography,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1990, Vol.80, No.3,435-446. 62."Reply to Yi-fu Tuan, Politics, and Art,"Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1990, Vol.80, No.3,457. 63."AView of Geography,"Geographical Review,1991, Vol.81, No.1,99-107. 64."The Price of Fame Is the Loss of Shame,"Newsdagy, August11,1991,30-3l. 65."Thoughts on Linking the Physical and Human Sciences,"Research and Exploralion,1991, Vol.7, No.2,370. 66."Language and the Making of Place:A Narative-Descriptive Approach,"Annals ofthe Association of dmerican Geographers,1991, Vol.81, No.3,684-696. 67."The City and Human Speech,"Geagrgphical Review,1994, Vol.84,144-151. 68."Eavironmentalism and the City:A Historical-Cultural Note,"Ecumene,1994, Vol.l, No.2,121-126. 69."Noodles [ Recipe of Centurions],"Globehead: Journal of Extreme Geography, 1994, Vol.1, No.2,34. 70."Response,"[ Classics in Hluman Geography Revisited], Progress in Hiuman Geograpby,1994, Vol.18, No.3,358-359. 71."The Science of Landscape: Between Myth and Culture,"Sistema Terra, Year2, lsue2, July,1993,7. 72."Why are you a Geographer"The Geographical Buletin,1995, Vol.37, No.1,5-6. 73."Aging in Reverse,"comment on Justin O"Brien,"Washington Street Since1900,"Voyageur,1995, Vol.12, No.1,12. 74."Island Selves: Human Disconnectedness in a World of Indifference,"Geographical Review,1995, Vol.85, No.l,229-239. 75."Sense of Place: What Does It Mean to be Human?"American. Journal of Theology and Philosophy,1997, Vol.l8, No.l,47-58. 76."Yi-fu Tuan: An Interview,"Terra Nova: Natuere and Culure,1997, Vol.2, No.l,85-95. 77."Escapism: Another Key to Cultural-Historical Geography,"Historical Geography,1997, Vol.25,10-24. 78."The Lure of Good: Scale and Commitment,"Wisconsin Academy Review, Winter,1999-2000, Vol.46, No.l,25-27. 79."The Desert and I:A Study in Affinity,"Michigan Quarterly Review,Winter, 2001,Vol.xd,No.1,7-16. 80."Life as a Ficld Trip,"Geographical Review,2001,Vol.9l,Nos.l-2,41-45. 81."The Pull of the Good Life:Mathematicians,Mormons and Mickey Mouse,”Topic 2:Fantasgy,Fall,2002,11-15. 82."On Human Geography,”Daedaus,Spring,2003,134-137. 83."Cultural Geography:Glances Backward and Forward,”Annals ofthe Association of American Geographers,2004,Vol.94,No.4. 84.“"Reflections on Humanistic Geography",Journal of Architectural education,2005,Vol.xxx,No.l,3-5. 85."  ower ,Modernity and Traditional Cultures",New Global Sudies,2007,Vol.l,No.1.书评 1.(Book review)John C.H.Wu,Tao the Ching,and Sister Mary Makra,Hsiao Ching,in Neow Mfexico Quarterly,1962,Vol.31,No.3,269-27l. 2.(Book review)Walter Jackson Bate,Clasic to Romantic in Landscape, 1961-1962,Vol.11,No.2,40. 3.(Book review)T.w.Freemen,A Hundred Years of Geograpby in Landscape, 1962-1963,Vol.12,No.2,33-34. 4.(Book review)Konrad Gatz and Wilam Wallenfang,Color in drchilecture in Landscape,1962,Vol.11,No.3,32. 5.(Book review)Last Lecures of Roger Fry in New Mexico Quarlerly,1962,Vol. 32,Nos.1-2,80-81. 6. (Book review)Cold Mouwntain oems of Han Shan in New Mexico Quarterly,Autumn,1963,Vol.33,No.3,347-348.7.(Book review)John K.Wright,Human Nature in Geography in Landscape,1967,Vol.16,No.3,31-32. 8.(Book review)Frank E.Manuel,ed.,Uhopias and Uhopian Thought in Landscape,1967, Vol.17, No.l,34. 9. Book review) Japanese Geography in The Canadian Geagragpher,1967, Vol.1l, No.3,190-191. 10.(Book review) Clarence J. Glacken, Traces on the Rhodian Shore in Geographical Review,1968, Vol.58, No.2,308-309. 11.(Book review) David Sopher, Geography of Religion in Landscape,1967-1968, Vol.17, No.2,38. 12.(Book review) Amos Rapoport, House Form and Culture, in Canadian GeographicalJouwnal,1969, Vol.79, No.4, xxi. 13.(Book review)K. 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Jackson,"A Sense of Place,A Sense of Time,"in Geographical Review,1995, Vol.85, No.l,103-104. 59.(Review) of Steven Field and Keith H. 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(Commentary)Anme Butimer,Values in Geography,Commission on College Geography,Resource Paper No.24,Asociation of American Geographers,1974,54-58. 2."Comment in Reply"to Ted Relph,"Humanism, Phenomenology, and Geography,"Annals ofthe Asociation of American Geographers,1977, Vol.67,No.1,177-178. 3.(Comment) on Georges Mounin,"The Semiology of Orientation in Urban Space," in Churrent dnthropology,1980, Vol.21. No.4,500. 4."  erceptual and Cultural Geography.A Commentary,"Annals of the Association ofAmerican Geographers,2003, Vol.93, No.4,878-881.