


分享 Environmental damage to be counted in GDP
hellozhanghuan 2004-9-2 10:12
Environmental damage to be counted in GDP By Qin Chuan (China Daily) Updated: 2004-09-02 00:28 An experimental framework for calculating green GDP in China has been set up, vice-minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration Pan Yue said Wednesday. The pilot syste ...
个人分类: 双语教学|334 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Organization to promote environmental study
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-31 11:04
Organization to promote environmental study (备注:专业词汇的注解是本人见解,欢迎大家指正) By Qin Chuan (China Daily) Updated: 2004-08-31 01:44 A new science organization is expected to help the research on how human activities and environmental changes affect each other. T ...
个人分类: 双语教学|337 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 China trying to diversify energy supply
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-31 10:48
China trying to diversify energy supply (备注:专业名词的注解是本人见解,希望得到大家指正) China is seeking alternate energy supplies in regions where sources other than coal or oil, such as solar or wind power, are possible, said an official Monday. Zheng Xinli, deputy director o ...
个人分类: 双语教学|382 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 West-east gas pipeline nears completion
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-30 10:48
West-east gas pipeline nears completion (备注:专业名词的注解是本人见解,希望得到大家指正) The pipeline project to transfer natural gas from the Tarim Basin(塔里木盆地) in the nation\'s west across to eastern provinces is nearing completion. The well-known strategic project for the ...
个人分类: 双语教学|380 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Shaanxi Province facing population pressure
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-30 10:38
Shaanxi Province facing population pressure (备注:专业名词的注解是本人见解,希望得到大家指正) XI\'AN: Shaanxi Province, which has the largest population among five provinces and autonomous regions in Northwest China, is facing future long-term population pressure, senior officials ...
个人分类: 双语教学|346 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 能量流动 全英语教学稿
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-24 14:22
Energy flow.doc (本人独创,经本人同意方可转载)
个人分类: 双语教学|369 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 地理专业术语双语词汇整理(S-Z)
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-24 14:19
s-z english.doc
个人分类: 双语教学|344 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 地理专业术语双语词汇整理(B-I)
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-24 14:18
个人分类: 双语教学|382 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 查理飓风图片和英文简介
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-24 13:30
Hurricane Charley Strikes Cuba speed.doc
个人分类: 双语教学|424 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美国黄石公园图片 和 英文介绍
hellozhanghuan 2004-8-24 13:24
Broadcast yellowstone.doc
个人分类: 双语教学|887 次阅读|0 个评论

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